On the bill

Featuring: none.
Support: Lenny Kravitz


1, 4  John Staehely (guitar).

3, 4  omit G.E. Smith.

3-7, 12-17, 19, 20  add César Diaz (guitar).

15, 16, 20  Carl Denson (tenor saxophone).

8, 9, 18 acoustic with Bob Dylan (vocal & guitar), G.E. Smith (guitar), Tony Garnier (bass), Christopher Parker (drums).

10, 11 acoustic with Bob Dylan (vocal & guitar), John Staehely (guitar), Tony Garnier (bass), Christopher Parker (drums).

2, 4, 8, 11, 13, 18  Bob Dylan harmonica.

8  G.E. Smith (back-up vocal).

19  G.E. Smith (vocal on the "Louie The King" verse).

19  G.E. Smith (electric slide guitar).

20 Lenny Kravitz & Henry Hirsch (background vocals), Adam Widoff (guitar).

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