Date | Description |
2025-02-12 | NEW: Setlist Commentary Commentary setlist submenu linking to around 5,000 reviews, articles, discussions about individual concerts. Includes Expecting Rain forum posts, boblinks fan reviews, Flagging Down the Double E's, etc. |
2025-02-01 | NEW: Sharing MyEvents It's now easier than ever to share the concerts you attended. Grab the share link using the clipboard icon by your name on the myevents page (don't forget to allow access in that page's menu, or settings). Update your settings to allow your name to appear as an attendee on setlist pages. |
2025-01-09 | NEW: Setlist Redesign, Favorites Setlist redesign with new features, and ability to tag favorite performances. See the newsletter for full details. |
2024-12-01 | NEW: Olof's Files bobserve now proudly hosts Olof's Files. Learn all about this and future plans in the newsletter. |
2024-11-17 | NEW: BlueSky Features Optional site support via the bobserve BlueSky account: allows for more conversational twitter-like discussion, feedback and Q&A. Also, to share setlist and full concert audio links to BlueSky in one click see the Share tab under any setlist. (Continue to send YouTube links only via the "?" comment button here). |
2024-10-23 | ENHANCE: Theme & Menu Changes Select your theme in help menu: choose to shine your light or accept darkness at the break of noon. Also: revised top menu bar to combine various searches under search+ |
2024-10-18 | NEW: Feature Search by venue name in search+ menu |
2024-02-27 | NEW: Feature NEW: try songmatch under the search+ menu. Enter up to 12 songs to list events that contain all your song selections. Maybe find that concert date where you only remember some of the songs that were played, or concerts where your favorites were performed. |
2024-02-22 | NOTE: Design Experimenting with layout designs on the setlist page. Feel free to send in any feedback. |
2024-02-13 | NEW: Feature New feature: now you can easily share your attended concerts with others. Learn more here. |
2024-02-07 | NEW: Full Concert Audio Links Full concert audio links now show in the myevents view and full year event listings (via search+ menu). Maybe you'll upload a missing show to YouTube and send me the link? :-) |
2024-02-02 | NEW: Setlist Contact Button Every setlist has a "?" button to send a quick message about the event with new info, youtube links, corrections, etc. Also: now we're on an upgraded server, you'll need to log back in. |
2024-02-01 | NEW: New Server Welcome to the new server! If you have an account here you will need to re-login. Contact me if you have any difficulties. |
2024-01-31 | NEW: Moving to a new server Any day now, bobserve be upgrading to a bigger/better server. Hopefully it will be seamless and without any site downtime... |
2024-01-24 | HELP: Can you help? Do you collect the crew tour itinerary booklets? Please get in touch! |
2024-01-09 | NEW: Enhancement Now when you bookmark any setlist, song info, musician or location pages, the bookmark name is the setlist date, musician name, etc. |
2024-01-03 | NEW: Data Update To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Jan 3, 1974 Chicago, made setlist updates to match tape audio and written accounts: song order and adding The Band songs where Dylan played guitar/harmonica-only. |
2023-12-30 | NEW: Newsletter Several rehearsals from 1989-2002 have been added |
2023-12-27 | NEW: Feature Did you see Dylan in 2023? Check out your own 2023 year in review (login required), like Sue did here. In fact, click to filter any of your touring years to see your annual stats! |
2023-12-24 | NEW: New setlist Newly circulating soundboards from May 12, 1976 Austin, TX (nothing previously available) and Apr 29, 1976 Mobile, AL (late). More info at Flagging Down the Double E's |
2023-12-22 | NEW: Question Do you like to keep track of best/favorite Dylan performances (individual songs and concerts)? If so, I'd be interested to hear from you |
2023-12-12 | NEW: Feature mysongspercent: new report showing percent of total performances of a song you personally witnessed (with thanks to Matt Simonsen for requesting) |
2023-12-04 | NEW: Feature If you've logged concerts you've seen in the myevents pages, here's another new view for you: myposters. |
2023-12-03 | NEW: Status Setlists updated through Dec 3rd, the final show of the year! |
2023-11-26 | NEW: Feature NEW: myaudio with randomized audio links to concerts you've seen. myevents: log concerts you've seen, view counts and dynamic lists of songs, cities, covers, and more! See myevents box below for instructions |
2023-11-19 | NEW: Feature Major new update: myevents, a way to log concerts you've seen, and view counts and dynamic lists of songs, musicians, cities, covers, and more! Create an account using the login menu, verify your email, then access via the myself menu. Message me (help menu) if having difficulties. |
2023-11-18 | NEW: Feature myevents: log concerts you've seen and view your stats (learn more)! |
2023-11-17 | NEW : Feature Do you have the inclination to look back on all your events? Then next week's feature drop is for you. |
2023-11-16 | NEW: Feature The single most-requested new feature is launching next week! Start digging out those ticket stubs... |
2023-11-11 | NEW: Newsletter the bobserve series newsletter analysis of Dylan's static setlists |
2023-10-26 | NEW: Cover Songs Covers report with audio links - input any year into Search+ menu > "Covers (year)". The 2023 results now include Footlights. |
2023-10-21 | NEW: Current Tour Setlists Setlists from Rochester (Oct 24), Erie (Oct 23), and Akron (Oct 21). See 2023 events for all concert dates and audio links. |
2023-10-08 | NEW: Current Tour Setlists Latest setlists from Milwaukee (Oct 11) and Chicago (Oct 8, Oct 7, Oct 6). See 2023 events for all concert dates and audio links. |
2023-10-08 | NEW: Current Tour Setlists Latest setlists from Milwaukee: Oct 12 (see two uniquely close-up videos!) and Oct 11. See 2023 events for all concert dates and audio links. |
2023-10-04 | NEW: Info Card live lyric changes will appear in rewritten in my soul card (scroll down!) |
2023-09-25 | Tip: Slot Number Tip: on the song info page, the "#" column is what number the song was played in the setlist |
2023-09-23 | NEW: Dylan at Farm Aid 2023 Surprise Farm Aid 2023 appearance, with video |
2023-09-04 | NEW: the bobserve series sign up for the bobserve series for tips/tricks, newly researched changes and entries, feature announcements, interesting stats and findings, etc. |
2023-08-30 | NEW: musicians Musicians info! See everymusician, sample info page, musician menu with search (above), and setlist pages that list names |
2023-08-25 | NEW: debut badges badge to identify concert debuts sample setlist |
2023-08-18 | NEW: bobcharts bobcharts now on song info pages - example |
2023-07-28 | LAUNCH: bobserve is live! Created FAQ and About pages (see Help menu). |
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