November 7, 2023
Port Chester, New York

The Capitol Theatre
Setlist songs grouped by album

I Contain Multitudes
False Prophet
Black Rider
My Own Version Of You
Crossing The Rubicon
Key West (Philosopher Pirate)
I've Made Up My Mind To Give Myself To You
Mother Of Muses
Goodbye Jimmy Reed

Watching The River Flow
When I Paint My Masterpiece


Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)

That Old Black Magic

I'll Be Your Baby Tonight

To Be Alone With You

Every Grain Of Sand

Gotta Serve Somebody
Concerts with this identical setlist:

  1. 2023-11-05 Boston
  2. 2023-11-07 Port Chester
Setlist changes comparing November 7, 2023 with previous concert November 5, 2023

  • 0 new songs (0.0%) out of total performed today
  • 18 unchanged songs (100.0%)

Table Layout

# Dropped (0 songs) Unchanged (18 songs) Added (0 songs)
1. Watching The River Flow
2. Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)
3. I Contain Multitudes
4. False Prophet
5. When I Paint My Masterpiece
6. Black Rider
7. My Own Version Of You
8. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
9. Crossing The Rubicon
10. To Be Alone With You
11. Key West (Philosopher Pirate)
12. Gotta Serve Somebody
13. I've Made Up My Mind To Give Myself To You
14. That Old Black Magic
15. Footlights
16. Mother Of Muses
17. Goodbye Jimmy Reed
18. Every Grain Of Sand

List Layout

Unchanged (18 songs) showing new order number
1. Watching The River Flow
2. Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)
3. I Contain Multitudes
4. False Prophet
5. When I Paint My Masterpiece
6. Black Rider
7. My Own Version Of You
8. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
9. Crossing The Rubicon
10. To Be Alone With You
11. Key West (Philosopher Pirate)
12. Gotta Serve Somebody
13. I've Made Up My Mind To Give Myself To You
14. That Old Black Magic
15. Footlights
16. Mother Of Muses
17. Goodbye Jimmy Reed
18. Every Grain Of Sand

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