August 29, 1994
Detroit, Michigan

Michigan State Fair, State Fair Grounds
Setlist songs grouped by album

Under The Red Sky
God Knows

It Ain't Me, Babe

Tangled Up In Blue

Maggie's Farm

Positively 4th Street

Ballad Of A Thin Man


All Along The Watchtower

If Not For You

In The Garden

Mama, You Been On My Mind

Masters Of War

One Too Many Mornings
Setlist changes comparing August 29, 1994 with previous concert August 28, 1994

  • 3 new songs (21.4%) out of total performed today
  • 11 unchanged songs (78.6%)

Table Layout

# Dropped (3 songs) Unchanged (11 songs) Added (3 songs)
1. Jokerman
2. If Not For You
3. All Along The Watchtower
4. Simple Twist Of Fate Positively 4th Street
5. Tangled Up In Blue
6. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) Under The Red Sky
7. Mama, You Been On My Mind
8. Masters Of War
9. Love Minus Zero/No Limit One Too Many Mornings
10. God Knows
11. In The Garden
12. Maggie's Farm
13. Ballad Of A Thin Man
14. It Ain't Me, Babe

List Layout

Dropped (3 songs)
4. Simple Twist Of Fate
6. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
9. Love Minus Zero/No Limit

Added (3 songs)
4. Positively 4th Street
6. Under The Red Sky
9. One Too Many Mornings

Unchanged (11 songs) showing new order number
1. Jokerman
2. If Not For You
3. All Along The Watchtower
5. Tangled Up In Blue
7. Mama, You Been On My Mind
8. Masters Of War
10. God Knows
11. In The Garden
12. Maggie's Farm
13. Ballad Of A Thin Man
14. It Ain't Me, Babe

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