September 13, 1987
Turin, Italy

Palasport di Torino
Setlist songs grouped by album

Lenny Bruce
Heart Of Mine
Shot Of Love

License To Kill
I And I

I Shall Be Released

Maggie's Farm

Emotionally Yours

Positively 4th Street

The Wicked Messenger

John Brown

Gotta Serve Somebody

Masters Of War

The Times They Are A-Changin'
Setlist changes comparing September 13, 1987 with previous concert September 12, 1987

  • 13 new songs (92.9%) out of total performed today
  • 1 unchanged songs (7.1%)

Table Layout

# Dropped (14 songs) Unchanged (1 songs) Added (13 songs)
1. Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35 Positively 4th Street
2. I Want You Masters Of War
3. In The Garden Lenny Bruce
4. Highway 61 Revisited Gotta Serve Somebody
5. Simple Twist Of Fate Maggie's Farm
6. John Brown
7. I'll Remember You Emotionally Yours
8. Joey The Wicked Messenger
9. Tangled Up In Blue I Shall Be Released
10. Ballad Of A Thin Man Heart Of Mine
11. Pledging My Time License To Kill
12. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again Shot Of Love
13. All Along The Watchtower The Times They Are A-Changin'
14. Knockin' On Heaven's Door I And I (was #6)
15. When The Night Comes Falling From The Sky

List Layout

Dropped (14 songs)
1. Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35
2. I Want You
3. In The Garden
4. Highway 61 Revisited
5. Simple Twist Of Fate
7. I'll Remember You
8. Joey
9. Tangled Up In Blue
10. Ballad Of A Thin Man
11. Pledging My Time
12. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again
13. All Along The Watchtower
14. Knockin' On Heaven's Door
15. When The Night Comes Falling From The Sky

Added (13 songs)
1. Positively 4th Street
2. Masters Of War
3. Lenny Bruce
4. Gotta Serve Somebody
5. Maggie's Farm
6. John Brown
7. Emotionally Yours
8. The Wicked Messenger
9. I Shall Be Released
10. Heart Of Mine
11. License To Kill
12. Shot Of Love
13. The Times They Are A-Changin'

Unchanged (1 songs) showing new order number
14. I And I

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