May 2, 2003
Atlanta, Georgia

Dodge/96 Rock/UPN Atlanta Stage
Concert - Music Midtown

Setlist songs grouped by album

Highway 61 Revisited
Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
Like A Rolling Stone

I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
Drifter's Escape
All Along The Watchtower

Honest With Me
Summer Days

She Belongs To Me

To Be Alone With You
Setlist changes comparing May 2, 2003 with previous concert April 30, 2003

  • 5 new songs (50.0%) out of total performed today
  • 5 unchanged songs (50.0%)

Table Layout

# Dropped (13 songs) Unchanged (5 songs) Added (5 songs)
1. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum To Be Alone With You
2. Tell Me That It Isn't True I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
3. Highway 61 Revisited
4. Lay Lady Lay Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
5. Things Have Changed Drifter's Escape
6. Cold Irons Bound She Belongs To Me
7. Watching The River Flow Honest With Me (was #12)
8. Blind Willie McTell Summer Days (was #14)
9. If Not For You Like A Rolling Stone (was #15)
10. High Water (For Charley Patton) All Along The Watchtower (was #16)
11. Saving Grace
13. Bye And Bye
17. Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35
18. Forever Young

List Layout

Dropped (13 songs)
1. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum
2. Tell Me That It Isn't True
4. Lay Lady Lay
5. Things Have Changed
6. Cold Irons Bound
7. Watching The River Flow
8. Blind Willie McTell
9. If Not For You
10. High Water (For Charley Patton)
11. Saving Grace
13. Bye And Bye
17. Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35
18. Forever Young

Added (5 songs)
1. To Be Alone With You
2. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
4. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
5. Drifter's Escape
6. She Belongs To Me

Unchanged (5 songs) showing new order number
3. Highway 61 Revisited
7. Honest With Me
8. Summer Days
9. Like A Rolling Stone
10. All Along The Watchtower

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  1. bluesky - May 2, 2003 - Concert

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