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October 5, 1962
New York, New York

Town Hall
Concert - Travelin' Hootenanny

Setlist songs grouped by album

Talkin' New York

Talking John Birch Paranoid Blues

A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall

Ballad Of Hollis Brown
Setlist changes comparing October 5, 1962 with previous concert September 22, 1962

  • 1 new songs (25.0%) out of total performed today
  • 3 unchanged songs (75.0%)

Table Layout

# Dropped (2 songs) Unchanged (3 songs) Added (1 songs)
1. Sally Gal Talkin' New York
2. Highway 51 Talking John Birch Paranoid Blues (was #3)
3. Ballad Of Hollis Brown (was #4)
4. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall (was #5)

List Layout

Dropped (2 songs)
1. Sally Gal
2. Highway 51

Added (1 songs)
1. Talkin' New York

Unchanged (3 songs) showing new order number
2. Talking John Birch Paranoid Blues
3. Ballad Of Hollis Brown
4. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall

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  1. bluesky - October 5, 1962 - Concert

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