July 1961
New York, New York

Fifth Avenue Hotel
Concert - Kiwanis Club

1. Unknown Setlist

"Played the Fifth Avenue Hotel for the Kiwanis Club. A lot of different acts that night, dressed up like a clown, when someone would sing two clowns would perform. Couldn’t hear myself, a clown rolled up to pinch my cheek, kicked him in the nuts and no one saw. Rest of the clowns left me alone. Bob Dylan in Izzy Young's notebook, Oct 23, 1961. "As Dylan described the gig later, it was “Desolation Row” Take 115" - No Direction Home: The Life and Music of Bob Dylan (Robert Shelton, 1986)
Setlist songs grouped by album

Unknown Setlist
Setlist changes comparing June 30, 1961 with previous concert June 26, 1961

  • 1 new songs (100.0%) out of total performed today
  • 0 unchanged songs (0.0%)

Table Layout

# Dropped (1 songs) Unchanged (0 songs) Added (1 songs)
1. Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues Unknown Setlist

List Layout

Dropped (1 songs)
1. Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues

Added (1 songs)
1. Unknown Setlist

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  1. bluesky - June 30, 1961 - Concert

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