February 6, 1961
New York, New York

Cafe Wha?

1. Unknown Setlist

Fred Neil, Karen Dalton, Mark Spoelstra, Unidentified conga player

Source: Fred W. McDarrah photos. Photo caption in the Village Voice, Jul 20, 1961.
Setlist songs grouped by album

Unknown Setlist
Setlist changes comparing February 6, 1961 with previous concert January 29, 1961

  • 1 new songs (100.0%) out of total performed today
  • 0 unchanged songs (0.0%)

Table Layout

# Dropped (1 songs) Unchanged (0 songs) Added (1 songs)
1. Unknown Song Unknown Setlist

List Layout

Dropped (1 songs)
1. Unknown Song

Added (1 songs)
1. Unknown Setlist

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  1. bluesky - February 6, 1961 - Concert

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