Paul Kelly

8 appearances on the bill with Bob Dylan

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(See also: Paul Kelly & The Coloured Girls)

Appeared on the same bill as: Vika & Linda Bull (1)

Date Type City StateProv Country Venue Type Event Name
2011-04-28 Support Sydney NSW Australia Sydney Entertainment Centre Concert
2011-04-27 Support Sydney NSW Australia Sydney Entertainment Centre Concert
2011-04-21 Support Melbourne VIC Australia Rod Laver Arena Concert
2011-04-20 Support Melbourne VIC Australia Rod Laver Arena Concert
2001-03-25 Support Sydney NSW Australia Parade Ground, Centennial Park Concert
2001-03-21 Support Melbourne VIC Australia Rod Laver Arena Concert
2001-03-20 Support Adelaide SA Australia Adelaide Entertainment Centre Concert
2001-03-18 Support Perth WA Australia Perth Entertainment Center Concert

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